Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mountain Sisters

Over Christmas break I was able to spend time with family and friends, have amazing food, and spend time with the two girls that mean the most to me, my puppies Lucy and Jinny.

My family and I were able to go to our New Hampshire house in the White Mountains for a couple days after break. Since the house is brand new, my dad is trying to keep it looking that way. This isn't a lot to ask from my mom or I, but unfortunately my older sister and our puppies weren't as happy with this request. They caused a mess in the house which pushed my dad to his breaking point.

On our last day at the house, my dad and I went down the mountain to get Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. He even brought Lucy and Jinny back glazed munchkins (there favorite treat). He told my sister to put the dogs on the deck while we ate our breakfast so that they wouldn't beg from the table. She did this, but once she was on the deck with the dogs my dad closed the door and locked it.

He got his holiday revenge, and I couldn't help but laugh at the expressions on these three loves faces.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. There is nothing better then spending quality time with your pets! I know all about fathers being angry when you bring an animal home. Since I was a kid my dad has been angry at me, my sister,and my mom for bringing different animals back to our house. However, now that I live on my own he can't say anything!

