Sunday, April 13, 2014


"I'll Keep You Safe" by Sleeping at Last

Sometimes it’s nice to hear someone promise to protect you. The comfort that comes when you hear that your mistakes are neccesarry, that they are okay, and common is indescribable. Just take a moment and breathe. Think about the things that make you special and happy while listening to this song. Think about all of the things that you have botched up and let them go. What’s done is done. Now find a way to make a task or yourself better. Let this song be your sense of security when you need one.

Barbie Girl

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. This weekend I made a mistake and hurt someone I love. We sort of made up but I followed your advice and closed my eyes while I listened to this song. It helped me forgive myself to hear that everyone makes mistakes but its okay because we can still be there to keep each other safe. So thank you for this song. It really is lovely.
    -Samuel Clemens
