Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What You Give, is What You Get

This is a perfect quote that everyone should be looking and thinking of whenever they do things. Now of days people do stuff, and want a big reward from it. But they do very little to achieve that reward. So if I was there and I did more and didn't get anything I should deserve that reward. This is how life should work, and it does work. You need to work hard to achieve what you want in life. So if you put in a lot of work, you will get a lot in return for your actions. If you put in very little, they you will not get that much back. People have the misconception of, I'll just do a little and get so much in return. But the world doesn't work like that. People have to work very hard to get what they want in life. So this quote drives me to be a better person by striving for what I want, with all I have. So that I do not slack and think I will get a lot.

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with you. I see people everyday trying their hardiest to get the most out of the little amount of effort that they put in. Do the work then get credit for it

