Recently, I attended a service at my church. The service was called "Heart". It was about tapping into who you are and finding out what it truly means to live in light of the Lord. But enough of all that religious stuff. In reality, what I really took from it was the message "You won't be remembered." My pastor had said it numerous times. Not to make us feel like crap. Not to put us down and crush all of our possible dreams. Ultimately he was trying to motivate us to do more to BE more. Now what is this more exactly you ask? More of who you are. More of what you desire to be, and more of who you are scared to be. Sometimes in life we need to do outrageous things to even feel as though we are ALIVE. For me, hearing the phrase "You won't be remembered" really struck a cord in my heart. The goal in life, at least mine is, not to live for all eternity (although that would be cool and a bit freaky) but to create something that will.
The idea of leaving behind a legacy of sorts has definitely crossed my mind. I never really considered before that it would happen anyway. Maybe thats just my inflated ego showing but I think that yes, this quote is inspirational and makes you want to do good, but at the same time, I believe that no matter what everyone has touched someone else's life and will live on in memory.