Tuesday, February 11, 2014


This Ted Talk Video speaks about how the importance of the ARTS in the education system is just as relevant as the MATHS and SCIENCES.


Should Art based programs be taught at the level of math/science classes in school today?

Tyler D.


  1. I believe art programs are based off of math and science already because without either, art is just lines and figures without color or contour.


  2. I really enjoyed and made me think that we should make a balance between cultivating our creativity and focusing in "serious" subjects. We get caught most of the time under stressful situations that we could easily, probably not solve, but at least go through it with a touch of creativity.


  3. This was such a good speech. He used a number of examples of humor and I didn't want his talk to end. I believe what he said, where education and the need for knowledge in mathematics and humanity comes before arts. Also, when he used the example of the producer of Cats and how she would have been given medication and told to "calm down" because she couldn't stop moving, it made me think quite a bit about how people nowadays are diagnosed with ADHD because of that. Overall that was a great choice in a TedTalk, and I agree that arts are needed to keep people creative in life.


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  5. This was a great speech! I loved his sense of humor. I think that Art should definitely be taught at the same level as math and science. People need to be able to show their creative side more than they do.

    As Told by Ginger
