Monday, December 16, 2013

Best Meal Ever!!!

On a beautiful Saturday afternoon on June 10th 2013, I had experienced something I would never forget. I had gone to a restaurant called Alden Park. When I walked in the first thing I immediately noticed was how elegant and vibrant everything was. There was color splashed everywhere which made for a very different experience for me.I'm now seated and my waiter starts listing off the specials. The one that stood out the most was a pepper corn crusted steak. The top of the steak was dusted with pepper then cooked to your desire, gently placed on top of on an house made vegetable root gratin with asparagus draped on top. With your choice of a horseradish sauce drizzled on top. To me that sounded amazing so I had to order it. When our waiter brought it out the first thought that cam to my mind was wow. It looked absolutely amazing. I took my first bite and it was cooked to perfection. It had that nice flavor with a subtle bite at the end. The whole thing together was pure perfection that it had completely taken my mind off of how good looking our waiter was, which is hard to do. Anyway I walked away that day with an incredible experience and surprisingly a job! I still work there today and have the opportunity to serve people my favorite meal ever!!

As Told By Ginger

1 comment:

  1. Where is this restaurant? I want to go really bad! It sounds really modern with the color everywhere! That steak sounds delicious also. I've only ordered steak from a restaurant once and it wasn't the best experience in the world. I want my next steak experience to be from Alden Park! Also, so jealous that you get to work there!

