Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Best Food I've Ever Had

Probably the most memorable eating experience I've had was while I was in the country Peru. Everything about this place was new to me, from the vibrant culture to the world class food. My first day in the city of Lima was full of sightseeing. I got to walk through some of the cities large open air markets, view the old Spanish influenced architecture, and get a taste of the local cuisine.
Peru has a very wonderful food scene with rich flavorful dishes. Because Peru was conquered by the Spanish much of the food eaten there has a strong Spanish influence. Classic European cuisine found a home in South America but with twist. The local food is also heavily influenced by the native indigenous Peruvians. Many fruits and vegetables available in Peru can't be found in other parts of the world. One particular encounter with one of these mysterious fruits left me amazed and craving more.
The Cherimoya is an odd, oval-shaped fruit similar in size to a mango but with green scaly skin. The flesh of the Cherimoya fruit is creamy off white and is spotted with shiny black seeds the size of olive pits. Despite its odd, slightly off putting appearance, the Cherimoya fruit has a lush, creamy texture similar to custard and a flavor that is best described as a combination of pineapple, banana, and strawberry. This fruit is perfect for flavoring smoothies and other tropical drinks. It would also be an excellent flavor for a refreshing sorbet.


1 comment:

  1. I really like how you went into details with the city, about Peru, and the Cherimoya. It is very interesting to hear about other fruits and/or vegetables from other parts of the country. What caught my eye and got me to start thinking was when you mentioned that the Cherimoya has green scaly skin. Right away it made me think of a fish, but then you describe it as a custard like texture on the inside. It sounds so interesting and I would love to try it someday!

    Daniel Boone
